Jacob Wilson
Team: Theta Chi Alumni
Bio: Biography Charleston School of Law, J.D. 2021 Wake Forest University, BA History & BA Philosophy 2016 -Minors in English Literature, Italian Language, Music -Study Abroad in Venice, Italy Greetings, all! My name is Jacob and I am participating from South Carolina. A little about me: I double majored in Philosophy and History at Wake Forest University with a triple minor in music, Italian language, and English literature before getting my Juris Doctor from the Charleston School of Law. I also spent a year living abroad in Venice, Italy in Wake's Casa Artom on the Grand Canal. These days I spend most of my free time reading, writing, and playing music—either on my instruments or my vinyl collection. But I also love traveling, running (former competitive racer and marathon runner before breaking my spine last year), playing golf or tennis, and sailing. I'm also a bit of a dad joke connoisseur and pun enthusiast. Although, since I don't have children, I suppose that makes me a faux pa. About a year and half ago, I broke my spine (and nearly everything else) and was told that I'd never be able to move my legs or stand on my own ever again. To put it shortly, I guess you could say that I’m gravitationally challenged. But expounding a little, I fell backward off of a little Juliet balcony on the fifth floor onto the sidewalk. Broke my spine and nearly everything else. And to answer the question everyone always immediately asks, no, alcohol wasn’t involved. After waking up from a coma I was told I would never be able to move my legs or stand on my own ever again. As a former competitive racer and marathon runner, that was heartbreaking to hear. But just shy of a year later (less than 10 months out of the ICU) I completed not one, but two, races. Got dead last for both, but still finished them. So I guess that’s something 🤷♂️ I’m at around 17 months of a 18-24 month recovery and have needed a lot of surgeries recently. But I’m doing much better. The challenges that this journey has forced me to confront just further begs the philosophical and psychological questions of "What does it mean to be happy?" and how to lead a happy life. Below I attached a video I made of my one year, to the day, recovery (less than 10 months out of the ICU). No blood or graphic images are included, because despite everything, blood still makes me queasy. Looking forward to meeting all of you! And I hope everyone chose their cup of coffee this morning! Best, Jacob https://www.facebook.com/share/v/7QqY4BKNWEnuDtev/
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Jacob Wilson received a $100.00 donation.
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